Jet Set Glow: Keeping Your Skin Fabulously Fresh on Long Flights!

Jet Set Glow: Keeping Your Skin Fabulously Fresh on Long Flights!

Long haul flights can be a thrilling start to an adventure, but they're notoriously tough on your skin. The combination of high altitudes, low humidity levels in the cabin, and limited mobility can leave your skin feeling dehydrated, oily, or downright irritated by the time you land. But fear not! With a little preparation and the right skincare routine, you can step off the plane looking refreshed and radiant. Here are some essential tips to help you maintain good skin condition during those lengthy journeys.

Stay Hydrated

The most important tip for maintaining good skin condition starts from within: hydration. The air in airplane cabins is incredibly dry, which can lead to dehydrated skin. Combat this by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they can further dehydrate your body and skin.

Cleanse and Moisturize

Before boarding your flight, cleanse your face to remove any makeup or impurities. This helps your skin breathe and prepares it to absorb moisture more effectively. Once on board, apply a generous layer of a hydrating moisturizer or a face mask. Consider packing a travel-sized hydrating mist to spritz on your face periodically throughout the flight for an extra hydration boost.

Protect Your Lips

The skin on your lips is thin and sensitive, making it particularly vulnerable to dry conditions. Use a nourishing lip balm liberally throughout the flight to keep your lips hydrated and prevent chapping. Look for balms containing ingredients like shea butter, vitamin E, or coconut oil for maximum moisturization.

Freshen Up Your Eyes

Long flights can lead to puffy eyes and dark circles, thanks to the dry air and lack of sleep. Keep a cooling eye gel or patches in your carry-on and apply them during the flight. They'll help reduce puffiness and refresh the delicate skin around your eyes. For an extra tip, try to sleep with your head slightly elevated to reduce swelling.

Move Around

Staying seated in the same position for hours isn't just uncomfortable—it can also affect your skin by slowing down circulation. Make a point to stand up, stretch, and walk down the aisles a few times during the flight. This helps improve circulation, which in turn can help your skin look more lively and reduce puffiness.

Adjust Your Diet

What you eat on the flight can also impact your skin. Opt for meals and snacks that are high in antioxidants and vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables. These can help combat the oxidative stress your skin may experience during the flight. Additionally, try to avoid salty foods, as they can lead to dehydration and bloating.

Maintaining your skin's health during long haul flights is all about preparation and choosing the right products for your in-flight routine. By following these tips, you can help ensure that you arrive at your destination with your skin looking as fresh and vibrant as when you left.
Safe travels!
