Is It Advisable to Exercise With Makeup On? Insights From Official Studies

Is It Advisable to Exercise With Makeup On? Insights From Official Studies

In the realm of fitness and beauty, a common question arises: Is it advisable to exercise with makeup on? While many hit the gym with their faces done up either out of habit or for confidence, the implications of this practice on skin health have been a topic of debate. Recent studies and expert opinions shed light on this issue, providing a clearer picture of how makeup interacts with our skin during exercise.

What The Research Says

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology involved 43 healthy college students to investigate the effects of wearing foundation during aerobic exercises. The participants had foundation applied to one half of their face, leaving the other half bare. Post a 20-minute treadmill session, observations were made regarding skin moisture, elasticity, pore size, and oil levels.

Findings revealed that the makeup-covered area exhibited a significant increase in moisture levels and skin elasticity. This indicates that makeup can serve as a barrier, preventing moisture loss that typically occurs through sweating during exercise. However, the study didn't paint a wholly positive picture. It noted potential downsides such as no significant increase in pore size on the makeup side, suggesting a risk of clogged pores, and a decrease in oil levels, which could lead to skin dryness especially for individuals with dry skin conditions.

Expert Opinions

Dermatologists and aestheticians echo the study's sentiments, highlighting that while makeup can indeed act as a barrier, it also poses risks to skin health when worn during exercise. Sweat opens up pores, allowing bacteria and pollutants on the skin to clog them, potentially leading to irritation, redness, and acne. Makeup exacerbates these issues by trapping dirt and other irritants inside the pores.


Given these findings, the consensus among health professionals is clear: for optimal skin health, it's best to remove makeup before exercising. This allows the skin to breathe and sweat naturally, minimizing the risk of clogged pores and breakouts. However, for individuals who prefer not to bare it all at the gym, experts recommend opting for lighter makeup and ensuring a thorough cleansing post-exercise. Non-comedogenic, mineral-based products are preferred as they are less likely to clog pores.

A Balancing Act

The conversation around exercising with makeup on touches on broader issues of self-confidence, societal expectations, and personal wellness. It's a reminder that while fitness goals are important, so is taking care of our skin. Making informed decisions based on how our habits affect our skin's health is crucial.

In conclusion, while wearing makeup during workouts may not be the best practice for skin health, understanding its effects and taking steps to mitigate potential damage can help balance fitness routines with skincare. Whether you choose to go makeup-free or opt for skin-friendly products, the goal remains the same: fostering a healthy relationship with our skin, inside and out.

The insights and recommendations in this blog are based on findings from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and expert opinions from the field. While individual preferences and practices may vary, prioritising skin health alongside fitness is a step towards overall well-being.

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